California School District in Wide Non-compliance with Special Education Requirements
School-aged children with disabilities who attended, or had in the past attended, schools in the Ravenswood City School District, alleged that Ravenswood failed not only to meet their individual educational needs, but also failed to provide similarly-situated children within its jurisdiction a free appropriate public education, as mandated by IDEA, Section 504, the ADA, and a variety of California State laws. An action was filed in U.S. District Court for Northern California, and eight named plaintiffs, and others similarly situated were certified as a class.
Plaintiffs alleged that, in addition to Ravenswood’s failures, the State of California had failed to monitor Ravenswood’s compliance with state and federal laws that mandate the provision of a FAPE to all children with disabilities, failed to adequately investigate complaints regarding Ravenswood, and failed to enforce the directives generated by state education department investigations, and sought declaratory, injunctive, and compensatory relief.
The lawsuit prompted a state investigation into the allegations, finding them substantiated. State experts confirmed widespread non-compliance with special education requirements.
The state developed a Corrective Action Plan by Consent, however, the Court’s monitor appointed under the plan reported that the district did little to achieve compliance over a year after the decree was issued, and the Court seriously considered placing the district under receivership. Active supervision by the Court continues.